王均遥【视频】-- 尚一新年大礼包,免费领! 看动画,学英语-上海尚一文化

【视频】|| 尚一新年大礼包火山音 ,王均遥免费领双喉结! 看动画琼芳登,学英语-上海尚一文化gubgib
蝙蝠和它的小伙伴们 || NO.1

Bat and friends is a story series about five animal friends who lived together in a barn. What did they do , and what fun stories developed there by these five friends?
蝙蝠和它的小伙伴们,一个关于五个小动物朋友们的系列故事宁为女人 ,他们都生活在一个谷仓风间仁 。他们在那里做了些什么,哪些有趣的故事发生了呢任宰范?
下面是第一篇的脚本,请小朋友们先不要看脚本文字,尽量多听多看视频嘉门洋子,根据场景猜一猜英语部分内容。然后用英语复述本章故事给爸爸妈妈听逍遥神爱地球 ,不强求准确性,尽量用英语说,如果有些部分说不好也不要紧梵妳卡波,把听到的英文单词说出来也好鹅鹅鹅儿歌 ,尽最大努力说出来,用英语说出来激战运钞车 ,这才是最好的练习方式赵小姐不等位 。经过多遍复述后红牌太监,孙艺兴争取能说对80%的英文内容肇东吧 ,如果能说对95%李亦非图片 ,那就更好啦。
Bat and Friends Episode 1 – hunting for bugs
Bad woke up
He flew out of his cave
“I want bugs” Bat said
“I will find bugs考呀呀, and I will eat them!”
Bat flew up into the sky
Bat flew over houses
Bat flew over trees
He found some big bugs
He found some little bugs
He ate and ate and ate
He flew and flew and flew
Bat was happy
“It’s time to go home and sleep.”
But now it was very dark
“Where is home” Bat said
A big wind came up
A lot of rain came down
Bat was far from home
尚一文化 新年奉献
微信关注 免费学习