

金砖国家工商论坛(BRICS Business Forum)3日下午在福建厦门开幕微忧青春日记,国家主席习近平出席开幕式并发表主旨演讲孙老倔的幸福。

习主席在演讲开篇即热情洋溢地介绍了厦门,称其为“高颜值的生态花园之城”(a beautiful garden city)。
Xiamen has been a trading port since ancient times as well as a gateway of China’s opening up and external cooperation.
Embracing the vast ocean, the city has hosted visitors from around the world.
There is a popular saying here in southern Fujian, “Dedicate yourself and you will win,” which embodies an enterprising spirit.
Xiamen’s success is a good example demonstrating the perseverance of the 1.3 billion-plus Chinese people.
The past decade has seen the BRICS countries making headway in pursuing common development.
In the past ten years, our combined GDP has grown by 179%, trade by 94% and urban population by 28%. All this has contributed significantly to stabilizing the global economy and returning it to growth, and it has delivered tangible benefits to three billion and more people.
The past decade has seen the BRICS countries advancing results-oriented and mutually beneficial cooperation.
Leveraging our respective strengths and converging interests, we have put in place a leaders-driven cooperation framework that covers wide-ranging areas and multiple levels.
?10年中,金砖国家敢于担当矢作纱友里 ,力求在国际舞台上有所作为。
The past decade has seen the BRICS countries endeavoring to fulfill their international responsibility.
Committed to multilateralism, fairness and justice, our five countries have staked out our positions on major regional and international issues and made our proposals to address them.
We have promoted reform of global economic governance to increase the representation and say of emerging market and developing countries.
回望来时路,习近平指出瑙坎 ,有3条启示应该在今后的合作中发扬光大。
First, treating each other as equals and seeking common ground while shelving differences.
In terms of BRICS cooperation, decisions are made through consultation among us all, not by one country alone.
Second, taking a results-oriented, innovative approach to make our cooperation benefit all.
BRICS is not a talking shop, but a task force that gets things done.
Third, developing ourselves to help others with the well-being of the world in our mind.
Since the very beginning, our five countries have been guided by the principle of dialogue without confrontation摩的大飚客 , partnership without alliance. We are committed to observing the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, international law and basic norms governing international relations in conducting state-to-state relations.When developing ourselves, we are ready to share development opportunities with other countries.
在讲话中,习近平对“金砖失色、褪色”论进行了强有力的回应厦航国旅 。
Some people, seeing that emerging market and developing countries have experienced growth setbacks, assert that the BRICS countries are losing their luster.
It is true that affected by complex internal and external environments, we BRICS countries have encountered headwinds of varying intensity.
But the growth potential and trend of our countries remain unchanged王令浚 , and we are fully confident about it.
为共同开创金砖合作第二个“金色十年”(Golden Decade)福奈特官网护花宝鉴 ,习近平提出了4条希望:
First, we should boost BRICS cooperation to create new impetus for economic growth of our five countries.
At the same time, the global economic structure is going through profound changes, evidenced by shrinking global demand and rising financial risks. All this has posed challenges to the traditional strengths of the BRICS economies, taking us to a crucial stage where we must work harder to overcome difficulties.
We should continue to implement agreements and consensus already reached and better leverage the role of current mechanisms. We should also actively explore new ways and new areas of practical cooperation and strengthen our ties to ensure durable and fruitful BRICS cooperation.
?倪宝铎 第二,勇担金砖责任,维护世界和平安宁。
Secondly, we BRICS countries should shoulder our responsibilities to uphold global peace and stability.
We BRICS countries are committed to upholding global peace and contributing to the international security order.
I am convinced that as long as we take a holistic approach to fighting terrorism in all its forms, and address both its symptoms and root causes, terrorists will have no place to hide.
Thirdly, we BRICS countries should contribute to enhancing global economic governance.
The development of emerging market and developing countries is not intended to move the cheese of anyone but to make the pie of the global economy bigger.
Fourthly, we should increase the influence of BRICS and build extensive partnerships.
As a cooperation platform with global influence, BRICS cooperation is more than about our five countries. Rather, it carries the expectations of emerging market and developing countries and indeed the international community.
As a Chinese saying goes, “It is easy to break one arrow but hard to break ten arrows bundled together.”
?中国有句话叫良药苦口张陈平 。我们采用的是全面深化改革这剂良方。
As a Chinese saying goes, “Effective medicine tastes bitter.” The medicine that we have prescribed for ourselves is to carry out all-round reform.
All these achievements have proven that deepening all-round reform is the right path that we should continue to follow.
Going forward, China will continue to put into practice the vision of innovative, coordinated, green, open and inclusive development. We will adapt to and steer the new normal of economic development, push forward supply-side structural reform, accelerate the building of a new system for an open economy速叠杯 , drive economic development with innovation, and achieve sustainable development.
China will stay firmly committed to peaceful development and make even greater contribution to global peace and development.
The Chinese government will continue to encourage Chinese companies to operate and take root in other countries, and likewise, we also warmly welcome foreign companies to invest and operate in China.